sci fi movies

15 sci fi movies to watch this weekend

Looking for a thought-provoking sci fi movie to watch this weekend? We have compiled a list of our favourite sci fi movies spanning across different themes.

Sci fi movies and books have long inspired innovators to dream about what is possible and have formed the basis for many of their inventions. While the sci fi genre serves as a powerful medium to demonstrate the impacts of technology on humankind and the world at large; it also forces us to think about the effects if left unchecked. The below sci fi movies will challenge your ways of thinking and leave you with many questions to ponder.

Sci fi Cult Classics

E.T.The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

sci fi movies

“How do you explain school to a higher intelligence?”
This sci fi film explores the unique friendship between an alien and a child, as well as universal themes of innocence and loneliness that can unite people together.

Things to ponder:
How does the concept of alienation present itself in the film?
What are some of the challenges E.T. faces whilst on Earth?

Avatar (2009) 

sci fi movies

How does it feel to betray your own race?”
The film explores the magical world of Pandora and takes a deep dive into the colonisation between two different species; human and alien.

Things to ponder:
How does the dynamic between Aliens and Humans shift throughout the film?
How are identity, belonging, and ownership of land represented in the film?

The Matrix (1999) (Trilogy)

sci fi movies

“Unfortunately, no one can be told what The Matrix is. You’ll have to see it for yourself.”
The film showcases how a computer hacker begins to uncover the mystery of the ‘Matrix’, and his own versions of reality.

Things to ponder:
How do the choices presented to Neo hold significant importance throughout the entirety of the film?
How is the construct of freedom depicted in the film?

Inception (2010)

sci fi movies

Our dreams feel real while we’re in them. It’s only when we wake we realize things were strange”
The film showcases how our dreams, can distort our perception of reality and the power of the Human Mind?

Things to ponder:
What are the differences between the real and the dream world?
At what point are the characters dreaming?

Back to the Future (1985) (Trilogy)

sci fi movies

“I’m from the future. I came here in a Time Machine that you invented. Now I need your help to get back to the year 1985.”
This film showcases the dilemma of time travel, including the challenge of saving one’s own existence.

Things to ponder:
How is time travel shown to be dangerous in the film?
What is the dynamic of fate and free will in this film? 

Sci fi Environment and Nature

Gattaca (1997)
sci fi movies

“There’s no gene for fate.”
The film explores the nature of our idealised selves, and how our genetic code shapes our perception of reality.

Things to ponder:
How does society in Gattaca differ from the one we live in?
What are the consequences of striving for Human perfection?

The day after tomorrow (2004)
sci fi movies

“Mankind survived the last ice age. We’re certainly capable of surviving this one. It all depends on whether or not we’re able to learn from our mistakes?”
The film explores climate change and the new Ice age that has been a contentious issue for scientists over the decades.

Things to ponder:
How does weather play a role in how society operates?
What are some steps you can take to combat climate change?

WALL-E (2008)
sci fi movies

“Earth is amazing! There are these things called farms. They put seeds in the ground, pour water on them, and they grow into food, like pizzas!”
The film showcases a future where mankind has abandoned earth because it has become covered with trash.  

Things to ponder:
How is the issue of pollution control shown in the film?
How does WALL-E learn about love and friendship?

Sci fi Technology

Ex Machina (2014)
sci fi movies

“The real test is to show you that she’s a robot and then see if you still feel she has consciousness.”
The film explores the human facet of artificially created beings and questions around experimentation and self-awareness.

Things to ponder:
What qualities did the A.I share to the protagonist?/ In what ways are the A.I, unlike humans?
What questions of ethics arise from the portrayal of how Ava is treated?

Minority Report (2002)
sci fi movies

Sometimes, in order to see the light, you have to risk the dark.”
The film explores the concept of time, fate, and the way technology can alter the natural course of our identity and sense of self.

Things to ponder:
What is the symbolism of ‘eyes’ in the film?
How does technology make life easier but also act as a double-edged sword?

Her (2013)
sci fi movies

“I even made a new friend. I have a friend and the absurd thing is she’s an operating system.”
The film explores the nature of human relationships in the future, and how the complexities of technology can shape the dynamics of love and loneliness.

Things to ponder:
Are computers capable of human behaviour and human thought?
How is the relationship that Theodore shares both illogical and inconsistent with his surroundings?

Sci fi Space 

First Man (2018)
sci fi movies

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
This film explores the life of Neil Armstrong as he voyages into space, and makes scientific history.

Things to ponder:
What is the emotional toll that space travel has on the film’s protagonist?
How does the film highlight the significance of space travel for society?

Gravity (2013)
sci fi movies

“Just point it at Earth and fly forward; it’s not rocket science!”
The film explores the uncertainties that astronauts have to face when in space. It also goes on to showcase the value of human bonds and the fear one holds in letting go.

Things to ponder:
How does isolation present itself in the film?
What are the crucible moments for the main two characters?

Interstellar (2014)
sci fi movies

“Mankind was born on Earth … it was never meant to die here”.
The film explores the possibility of life outside our universe, and the future challenges our population faces if Earth became habitable.

Things to ponder:
How does each character showcase their survival instinct?
What are the possibilities outside planet earth? Would you choose to travel to another unexplained universe?

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
sci fi movies

“My God, it’s full of stars.”
The film explores the dynamic between space and time, whilst on a voyage to Jupiter.

Things to ponder:
 How is evolution depicted in the film?
What are the perils of technology shown in the film, and how does this juxtapose itself against the advancements of future species.

Did you like our list of sci fi movies? Do you have a favourite sci fi movie that is not on the list? Tell us in the comments and let us know. Happy weekend!
You can easily find these sci fi movies on Stan and Netflix.

Further reading: our last week’s science stories and our blog on 11 science experiments to do at home.