Receive a set of activities in a
physical box exploring a different STEM concept every month.
Have fun completing the 3-5 activities inside the boxand learn through play
Follow the instructions inside the box, get additional content in our web platform, and learn by doing
We make STEM engaging, accessible and fun for all
Patrick got stuck into his brand new @inquibox on optics today with our sitter and it got 2 very enthusiastic :v: s Fabulous Australian-made STEM subscription boxes at very reasonable prices.
Joined InquiBox for my boys. We got our first box today. So far I’m impressed. This month we are learning about bees @inquibox #bees #adventure #learning #challenge #kids #STEM
We received our first box this week. My 7 year old daughter is loving it! She’s telling me all the facts about bees and was very impressed that they build their hives using the fibonacci sequence as she has just been learning about that in maths.
Thank you!
Inquibox was fun to do and something great to do on your own when you are bored and without needing your parents help. It taught me how light can get powered and turn on. It was very educational. The only concern was the tape – it was hard to work with, a bit flimsy and kept bending over itself. Other than that, it was an awesome project. It inspired me!
No homeschooling required. When this kid is focused he chooses to do his InquiBox and learn about the anatomy and functioning of human brain. I just heard him say the words anatomical, mammalian and cerebellum!
Our mission is to bring the magic of learning to the dreamers and innovators of tomorrow!