kids youtube channels

Kids YouTube channels

kids youtube channels

Science Youtube channels for kids provide strong resources to support the curiosity to learn more. From backyard experiments to interesting science, math, and creative projects Youtube has it all. These STEM Youtube channels are curated by some of the top scientists, teachers, and moviemakers of our times. 

Kids YouTube channels can be a great learning platform if used correctly so make sure to review the videos before your child views it. Through a balanced approach and supervision, it can be an incredibly educational tool. 

Kids love STEM Youtube channels, so use it for incredible homeschooling experience. It is educational and fun. So log on to Youtube and let your kids enjoy some guilt-free screen time.

Here are some of our favourite Science YouTube channels for kids

  1. Left Brain Craft Brain channel for STEM crafts to encourage brainpower in our kids
  2. The Spangler Effect channel for creative science experiments.
  3. The Babble Dabble Do channel helps nurture your child’s curiosity and family bonds through creative projects.
  4. STEMbite channel (recommended) consists of bite-sized videos of science and math projects.
  5. For a  learn – from – home STEM education platform check out the Science Buddies channel.
  6. View educational videos for elementary students with a fresh balance of curriculum-based content and fun from the Homeschool Pop channel.
  7. Pepper and Pine channel are all things food, paper, and education.
  8. The TEDed channel (recommended) has Influential videos from expert speakers on education, business, science, tech, and creativity.
  9. Check out the LAB 360 channel (recommended) for the coolest and simple science experiments and learn how science works.

These Youtube channels are perfect for your budding scientist, engineer, or teacher and they are all free and kids friendly. The resources will definitely have your kids sit back and take notice. At the same time, they also apply it during their everyday activities and have a hunger to learn more.

kids youtube channels

For more homeschooling ideas, read our comprehensive blog on homeschooling resources.