11 Brain breaks for kids
We all might be feeling a little stressed with the ever-changing situations at hand, so it’s best to give the kids a break. Whether it’s between zoom classes or after completing their homework, it’s always nice to give the brain a rest. Short and fun physical activities are not only beneficial for health but can also improve children’s attention, creativity and give a mood boost! To get you started, here’s a list of brain breaks for kids.
List of 11 brain breaks for kids
Super workout for a superhero
The best and simplest physical activities are easy workouts that everyone can do. These movements will get the blood pumping and flowing which provides a perfect de-stress! Here’s a cool video that lets you take part in the Avengers! This workout video is awesome since it follows some of the most popular Avengers including Captain America.

Colour me!
Give the kids a break doing something they love. Colouring is a relaxing, soothing way to calm our nerves down and to give the brains a break. Having a pattern to colour makes things even better! Here are some Mandala colouring pages you can print out for kids to colour.
TIP: put on some relaxing music in the background while you colour.

Learn the alphabet
Yes, that’s right, learn the alphabet! But this time, instead of pen and paper, all you need is your hands. Take some time to keep the brain active with some physical learning of the sign language alphabet. See how many you can memorise during your break time!

Dance break
Put on your dancing shoes and get ready to move! Dancing is a great way to get the blood pumping and the body moving. The irresistible catchy beat of the music gives kids something to move to while they dance. You can watch some dance tutorials, or if you’re feeling up to it, do a little freestyle! This funky channel lets you pick your favourite from a bunch of songs to dance to. If you’re up for a challenge, see how many you can dance to before getting tired!

Experiment with experiments!
Giving your brain a break doesn’t always mean you can’t learn. While you pause to have some fun, you can still gather some new information. Doing science experiments is the best way to give kids a break while still gaining an educational lesson. There are lots of at-home experiments you can do with ‘ingredient’s straight from the pantry!

Break for a sweet bake
After a day of work and lessons, we all need to replenish our energy, especially growing children. So what better way is there than to bake a sweet treat? What’s your favourite dessert? See if it’s in this list of over 30 easy sweet recipes to choose from. Don’t like to eat too many sweets? Here’s a link to a version with less sugar for those looking for a healthier treat.

Scavenger hunt
An easy and active way to take your mind off things is to conduct a scavenger hunt! All you need is a list of items to find! You can play this game in various ways.
- Letter hunt: pick a word to spell and find items that begin when each letter of the word. For example M-O-U-S-E; Mitten, Orange, Umbrella, Shoe, Egg
- Colour code: find items that have the same colour

Yoga is a great way to build up kids and adult’s strength and coordination while reducing stress and anxiety. This yoga video is a great tutorial for beginners with great demonstrators. Here’s a link to a yoga tutorial to help you get started.

You’re a wizard
Let the kids relax and show off later on by learning some easy magic tricks. Set up a time afterwards to let the children demonstrate their tricks.TIP: you can also let them present during dinner for a great show!
Here’s a link to some easy magic tricks kids can learn: How many can you learn by the end of today?

Get crafty
Let kids get handsy with some craft time! This not only provides children with a much-needed break but also develops their creativity and hands-on skills. Here’s a link filled with fun craft activities that kids will enjoy: This site is perfect for kids of all ages, letting you pick and choose the best one for you.

Do Nothing
Yes, that’s right. Take a few minutes to just sit still, pause and relax. Sometimes when we get too caught up in working, we forget to relax and give ourselves a rest. While doing nothing seems rather odd, it actually gives you time to pause and reset. This not only helps you keep calm, but will also bring up focus levels once you start working again. If you’re having some trouble keeping still try using this countdown. This website has a beautiful and peaceful image of a sunset with calming waves which is the perfect sight to look at when doing nothing.

After doing some of these relaxing activities, kids should have given their brains a nice break and be refreshed and ready for their next task! Let us know which ones were your favourite and worked for you. Don’t forget to share any tips and tricks for brain breaks for kids that you might know.